Monday, February 26, 2007

100 Ideas in the Oklahoman

from "OU grad works to build a tech-based economy"
The Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 25, 2007
Q: How is Oklahoma really doing in building that so-called technology-based economy?

A: I think we are making progress. I think we have made more progress in the last 10 years than we have the whole time. We are starting to see the stars sort of aligning. We've got the government interested with things like OCAST, EDGE and the 100 Ideas project, really looking toward changing our economy to a technology-based economy. Simultaneously, you have changes at the major research universities with respect to intellectual property policies, with respect to spinouts. You are starting to see a cultural change. More people are accepting of technology as being the driving force. Are we there yet? No, but are we making progress? Yes.

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