With the recent flooding in Kingfisher and other parts of northwestern Oklahoma, we are reminded that Oklahoma remains a bullseye target for certain kinds of disasters. Oklahomans have remained steadfast in the face of these sometimes frightening occurences, but 100 Ideas wants to know what you think concerning Oklahoma's disaster preparedness. Are we where we should be? Let us know!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Disaster Preparedness
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
2:38 PM
Labels: Government reform
Monday, August 27, 2007
Oklahoma's Water Supply
Perhaps one of the greatest debates in Oklahoma that doesn't make headlines too often is the debate over water usage and rights. 100 Ideas has received ideas concerning water from all over the state ranging from building a water pipe to help relieve the often drought-stricken northwest to not selling our water rights to other states.
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
4:15 PM
Labels: Natural Resources
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
New College Students
Oklahoma's education system is now failing itself! Most high school seniors in this state can't satisfy all 4 educational benchmarks. A large percentage don't even have the ACT scores to qualify for our state's regional schools, much less the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University. Read more about Oklahoma's college-bound students here: http://newsok.com/article/3107611.
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
4:37 PM
Labels: Education
Monday, August 20, 2007
Merit Pay for Teachers
Once again merit pay for teachers is in the news again. There are plenty of supporters, and plenty of detractors. You can read more about it here: http://newsok.com/article/3106229.
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
4:53 PM
Labels: Education
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Graduation Rates
In Oklahoma, barely over two-thirds of our students ever graduate from high school. With competition around the world getting tougher and tougher in this area, Oklahoma must do something to not just keep up with the rest of the nation, but to keep pace with the rest of the world. 100 Ideas wants to know what you think. Submit your ideas to improve Oklahoma's education system today!
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
3:35 PM
Labels: Education
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Immunizations for Oklahoma's Kids
Only 76 percent of Oklahoma children, ages 19 months to 35 months, are up to date with immunizations, ranking Oklahoma 44th overall for immunizations among children, according to the United Health Foundation.
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
3:11 PM
Labels: Health care
Monday, August 13, 2007
Oklahoma Byways Program
A recent Oklahoman article raised an interesting topic: Oklahoma's byways, including Route 66. The article read as follows:
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
4:27 PM
Labels: Transportation
Friday, August 10, 2007
Oklahoma's Workforce
Here's an excerpt from a recent newsok.com article on Oklahoma's workforce:
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
2:23 PM
Labels: Economic development
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Supporting Our National Guardsmen
Our Oklahoma National Guard continues to face challenges on many different fronts as we head forward. Whether it's pay, adequate care, supplies, or facilities, we must continue to support our Guardsmen. Unlike Active Duty and Reserve, the Oklahoma National Guard is the only component that is directly under the control of our state government.
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
3:06 PM
Labels: Military
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Ideas on Energy
Many ideas have been submitted as to what Oklahomans would like to see happen in Oklahoma in relation to energy. Many advocate the use of wind and solar. Some, like former Corporation Commissioner Denise Bode, have advocated the use of natural gas. You can read her comments at http://newsok.com/article/3099436.
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
1:33 PM
Labels: Energy and environment
Monday, August 6, 2007
Oklahoma's Bridges
Bridge safety in Oklahoma has been a primary concern for years. But in the face of the recent tragedy in Minnesota, Oklahoma's bridges are now of paramount importance. What must we do to prevent such a disaster? We want to know your ideas to keep Oklahoma's bridges safe!
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
11:51 AM
Labels: Transportation
Friday, August 3, 2007
Vehicle Inspection Stickers
Several ideas that have been recently submitted have called for us to bring back vehicle inspections and inspection stickers. They feel it will help cutdown on pollution and improve the quality of vehicles driving on our roads. Others opposed to it think it's just another sign of a big, intrusive government. 100 Ideas wants to know what you think.
Go to our website, 100ideasok.org, to submit your ideas and comment on others like these.
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
10:30 AM
Labels: Transportation
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Tax Rates
In Oklahoma, the debate over taxes has become a lively one. There are some in our state that think we should imitate our neighbor's to the south and eliminate our State's income and property taxes. Others think we need to work on the way we distribute our tax dollars. What do you think?
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
4:04 PM
Labels: Taxes
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
100 Ideas Goes Mobile!
Oklahomans with ideas about the state’s future now have another method of submitting ideas to the 100 Ideas Initiative. Beginning today, cell phone users can text message their ideas to “100ideas” at 72648.
All texted ideas will be posted on the web site with other ideas that are submitted directly to the 100 Ideas web site and ideas that have been generated from community “IdeaRaisers.”
“We are trying to solicit as many ideas as possible from people across the state,” said 100 Ideas Executive Director Thad Balkman. “We believe many people will take advantage of this simple way of submitting an idea.”
Balkman said to date they have received nearly 2,000 ideas from citizens throughout the state. “Over the next two months we want to double that number,” said Balkman.
The 100 Ideas Initiative is a non-partisan project designed to solicit the best ideas for Oklahoma’s second century. IdeaRaisers are public meetings designed to encourage input and discussion about those ideas and suggestions. The program was launched in January by Oklahoma House Speaker Lance Cargill.
Balkman said the group plans hold more IdeaRaisers in coming months and accept ideas through October. After that, the group’s advisory board members will meet and begin sifting through the ideas to determine the top 100 that will be published in a book.
“We plan to have the Oklahoma’s 100 Ideas book completed before the next legislative session to serve as a blue print for the legislature and Oklahoma’s future,” Balkman said
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
4:00 PM
Labels: 100 Ideas