Sunday, February 18, 2007

Lee Denny asks for consituents to support 100 Ideas

The Cushing Daily Citizen, Feb. 16, 2007
Rep. Denny praises 100 Ideas
To realize these goals, we must promote a wise fiscal policy, one that holds all areas of state government accountable. That often means reforming the system to make it more efficient and effective.
I also hope you'll join me in supporting the new 100 ideas initiative. Created by House Speaker Lance Cargill, this is a nonpartisan effort to find the most innovative and forward-thinking ideas for Oklahoma's future.
We're looking for ideas of all kinds from anyone willing to share them: ideas for education, technology, public works, you name it - ideas to help create jobs, promote health, ensure safety, preserve our heritage, and simply make Oklahoma better.
If you're interested in this effort, log on to


Anonymous said...

Tell Lee Denny to take her fat ass to the gym and quit trying to make Oklahoma a police state.

Anonymous said...

Comments like that are just plain ignorant

Anonymous said...

In our society these days, you must sign anonymous to anything so repugnant as calling someone like Ms. Denny childish names.Grow up!