Clark Tipton, from Tulsa, wants mandatory drug testing for all welfare recipients before they receive state or federal benefits. He posted his idea last week. What do you think of this idea?
Monday, June 18, 2007
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I strongly agree with this idea!! We have to take a drug test to work, even athletes have to take drug tests but people live off government handouts and use their welfare checks at the liquor store or with their local dealer. Enough is enough.
Drug testing for people who live off the government should certainly be mandatory. They're receiving our tax dollars with no questions asked. We should not only make them take A drug test but regular drug tests as well.
You people are ignorant! Quit believing the innacurate stereotypes from Bill O'Wrongly that Americans on welfare are lazy drug users watching daytime TV. In fact, most welfare recipients are hard-working people that have fallen on hard times because of multinational corporations shipping their jobs overseas to cut costs. We need to give people a hand up, not a push down!
Why just limit it to people on welfare?
Halliburton execs have been living off the government for years now and politicians always have.
Why not test politicians and corporate welfare consuming CEO's for evidence of drug crimes?
Heck, why limit it to drug crimes? We could include employment violations and trade violations as well.
The idea that welfare should be used to support law enforcement goals instead of helping people is as goofy as the idea that occupying Iraq will increase democracy and create new allies for America in the Middle East.
I think you've hit on a wonderful idea! Everyone who receives government benefits or privileges should undergo mandatory drug testing, not just welfare recipients. If you want to renew your drivers license, pee in the cup. We can't have drug or alcohol impaired motorists on our roads. If you want a hunting license, pee in the cup. Guns are dangerous, you know. Want to open a business in Oklahoma? Pee in the cup so we know you're legitimate.
In reality, drug testing is largely ineffective at preventing drug abuse, but our government looks away and pretends otherwise because it fattens the wallets of those who treat urine as a profit center.
My name is Clark Tipton, I am the person whose idea started this forum. I don't know who it was that started this dialogue but I'm glad to see it being discussed seriously. To the person who said:
"You people are ignorant! Quit
believing the innacurate stereotypes from Bill O'Wrongly that Americans on welfare are lazy drug users watching daytime TV. In fact, most welfare recipients are hard-working people that have fallen on hard times because of multinational corporations shipping their jobs overseas to cut costs. We need to give people a hand up, not a push down!
<-- to you I say, I did not pull this theory out of my anus. I formed my ideas and beliefs from what I have expereienced in everyday life. Throughout my experiences I have NEVER come across somebody that's on food stamps that wasn't abusing drugs. I guarantee you that, if there are indeed law-abiding citizens with nothing to hide, they will not mind peeing in a cup to prove it. At the same time, those drug using individuals who use welfare as a crutch to support their drug habit will not have the luxorious funds required to support such addictions. I'm not saying "push the people down" if they use drugs; I'm simply saying, "the government and its soverign people are enabling this heinous drug abuse to continue and proliferate by subsidizing the drug culture with welfare, food stamps, etc" and that it is in the best interest of every American citizen to ensure our monetary resources are used on rehabilitation for drug users. If we don't change it now, we will continue wasting millions of dollars each year for programs that don't benefit societyas a whole.
Anybody with questions is urged to contact my office at 918-851-2177, 24hrs a day.
Why don't you people read a book titled "The Working Poor"? The assumption that all who are on welfare are drug users is totally ludicrous. The working poor are those who work their butts off for barely above minimum wage jobs. They are drug tested. Heck, you can't even get a job working for minimum wage wothout being tested. Quit lumping all who receive welfare benefits into the same lump. How "Christian" is it to condem those who are struggling.
Okay, SO some people are going way over board and saying that "we are putting all welfare recipients into a categories. But that's not at all what this is about. Its not about knocking someone down. When I interview for a job and they tell me to pee in the cup, I certainly don't get on my high horse and start screaming at them. All the government would be asking for is a little pee people. If your not a drug user then there's no problem. It simply isn't fair for me to work my ass off, pay my taxes and watch some drug user abuse the system to keep there habit going! I think everyone is for helping someone when they are down and helping the poor working class is part of that. But simply allowing the system to be abused because we don't want to upset someone with a drug test, get real. Hand them the cup and they choose to pee. Just like they choose to take the drug! Everyone needs to do a little growing up and look at the big picture!
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