The Oklahoman published a recent editorial about the "stand-your-ground" law. They write:
"The issue is 'stand-your-ground' laws that allow people to protect themselves when they perceive a threat. A larger issue is how such laws are applied. Going beyond traditional self-defense, 'stand-your-ground' laws remove the burden of being in imminent peril when firing in self-defense.
A 'stand-your-ground' takes the concept further, allowing the homeowner to fire before the actual entry if a threat is perceived. Oklahoma law provides immunity from criminal prosecution or civil action in such cases. Complications arise, though, in defining the circumstances under which the action is justifiable."
What do you think about these laws? Are they necessary to protect homeowners or will they lead to an unnecessary escalation in violence?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Oklahoma's "Stand Your Ground" Law
Posted by
100 Ideas Oklahoma
10:41 AM
Labels: Crime and Justice
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This seems too dangerous. The law needs to be objective, not left in the hands of trigger-happy vigilantes that shoot first and ask questions later.
I prefer this law. Nobody should have to be threatened in a place at which they have the right to be. They shouldn't have to base a life and death decision (their life or death) of whether to use deadly force on whether they are scared of being prosecuted if somebody is able to say that they could have just went back in their house or gotten in their car. What I hope that the law does is make the people on the wrong side of the law think about what they are doing before they do it. If threatening or bullying somebody could cost you your life, and the person taking it doesn't have to fear prosecution, wouldn't you think twice about threatening or bullying?
Here again, what has long been lost, is our rights as written by our founding fathers. We have fell into the idea that, because of changing times, we must rewrite the meaning of all the issues within our constitution. Our society today believe that the burden of protecting us and our homes, is to be that of government. People seem to think that they are more qualified than themselves, to determine what level of threat was imposed on someone who felt a threat large enough to take an action of defence. 2 points,1 being that when our forefathers wrote this part, it was to provide us the abillity to fight a government with too much power over the people.2 If we all were to take responsabilty in more aspects in life, rather than pawning it on government, we would find most of our concerns resolved. This includes crime, as there would be more understanding by folks that breaking into your domain has more risk value to it. especially when they dont know what who or what is on the other side that door. Weak is a person that has life so easy that reality to what it would be if all aspects of their lives were decided by a government with too much power, and no chance to combat it. We are borderline as it is. Dont be so sure that greed wont apply to our elected officials, as it shows us daily in blogs like this that we have given government too much.
"Stand your Ground" is a good law. While I am not a firearm owner, I don't have a problem with law-abiding citizens protecting themselves with any force necessary. What worries me is how many innocent people are led to believe that they are protected under this law, defend themselves under that belief, but are then prosecuted because there are "questions" regarding if deadly force was necessary. There are two court cases in place now, that I know of that are testing this issue.
If Oklahoma is not going to allow for protection under this law the way it currently reads, why did they put it on the books in the first place?
I think "Stand Your Ground" is a great law. It restores some of the Law-abiding citizens power against crime. I think with the proper education of this law we would not see many problems. Teach the citizens the proper way to apply the law (Rules of engagement)and there should not be any problems. Everyone thinks this would protect the bad guys this is not true, first a convicted felon is not to have a firearm, second if you are involved in illegal activites this law does not apply. Enforce requirements like a "rules of engagement" course and law-abiding citizens will attend license those individuals once they have completed the course and there is no problem. The only people who do not follow the rules are the crimnal element in which such a law should never protect them. In the Military we have three steps before engagement once you have completed those steps you have given plenty of warning
Oh, like you're supposed to wait til two or three of them kick your door in? That's what they did in the old West, right?
And there in lies the problem. Too many gun happy morons, who now think they can just shoot to kill without fear of being held accountable. The old west was such a great time wasn't it? I mean getting shot in the back by gun happy morons. Trying to mind your own business.
I think this law is dangerous, because it is vague. That's what these trigger happy inbred people want. THey want to be covered for getting to kill someone with the least amount of probable cause. You get in a fight you know you are taking your chances, but you shoot some happless person cutting across your lawn and all you need do is kick in the door and say the guy appeared to be a threat. The new law protects you. But oklahoma is known for being an inbred backwoods state, so this really is what the world expects of us.
----And there in lies the problem. Too many gun happy morons, who now think they can just shoot to kill without fear of being held accountable. The old west was such a great time wasn't it? I mean getting shot in the back by gun happy morons. Trying to mind your own business.
I think this law is dangerous, because it is vague. That's what these trigger happy inbred people want. THey want to be covered for getting to kill someone with the least amount of probable cause. You get in a fight you know you are taking your chances, but you shoot some happless person cutting across your lawn and all you need do is kick in the door and say the guy appeared to be a threat. The new law protects you. But oklahoma is known for being an inbred backwoods state, so this really is what the world expects of us.----
^^^Inbred? Gun happy morons? Is there no reason to be civil like the rest of the posts? I cant take your argument seriously, it lacks any evidence and purely consist of speculation.
Mr., I've been in law enforcement for 25 years. Fact is, criminals prey upon people who they think they can overpower (the weak). This law gives the weak the ability to level the playing field. If you were to accost me in my house, you would have to deal with me, and it wouldn't be an easy task. In fact, chances are you would find yourself out manned and out gunned. As an after thought, I would report your crime. But, people who don't have that ability have no other choice but to call for help! As police officers, we respond as quickly as we can, but we can't be everywhere all the time. Again, this law levels the playing field. What is missing in the above message strings is respecting each others' person and property. If you're not going to respect others and call me for help, don’t worry, I'll still call an ambulance for you.
After you've looked out the peep hole of your front door at 1:30 a.m. to find 2 men in dark clothing standing there waiting for you to open the door, don't judge the law. I went straight for the gun and would have used all the necessary force to keep them from coming into my home - where my children slept! Period. And, thank you, Kenny, for your service!
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I agree 100% with this law. I am a young woman who is home alone a lot of the time.This law makes me sleep better knowing that if the circumstances arise I have the RIGHT to defend myself, my property, and anyone else in my home at the time. Im not saying that I will automatically shoot anyone who rings my door bell at 2 am, but if the police are unable to arrive before you successfully entered into my home, I would have to take matters into my own hands. I work hard for what I have and I will not be labled a weak woman. One's home is the center of their life, it holds everything precious to them, their family, their possesions, and if someone were to break into your home with the intention to steal one of these things I am sure each individual would also assume their life and the lives of their loved ones are at risk. Criminals will stop at nothing to feed their greed, not even when it comes to a life. I appreciate everything our law enforcement does for us as citizens, but they cannot always be there. That why this law is so important.Those who feel imminent danger would defend their family regardless of the consequences, it is good that there is a law that protects the innocent in this way.
they are 100 percent right and are needed for protection.Criminals dont attack or steal where they know citizens are armed.
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